Welcome to my website!
I am Ona Casao and in this website you will find my work, a school project where our school is participating during the school year 2021-2022. Our Erasmus+ partner schools are from Greece, Italy, Czech Republic and Spain Visit school website here Pompeu Fabra de Martorell.
This website is part of a project named "Touching the past to reach the future" with referent number 2019-1-TR01-KA229-074244-1.
Some of the project objectives are:
- To learn how to create a website about videogames for an Erasmus + project for my school: Institut Pompeu Fabra using Javascript and ml5.js
- To learn how to build a mobile App using MIT App Inventor for this project
- To create original videogames based on traditions
- To learn python by creating basic games using Mu editor and Pygame zero library
- To create sulfur dioxide graphs from La Palma volcano using Matplotlib library in python mode